Hometown Realty hopes you enjoy the fall colors!
Fall is upon us once again and everyone who lives in Hutchinson knows the city is blessed with trees of all kinds and shapes. Of course this means lots of leaves to rake every Autumn… Luckily the city of Hutchinson, MN helps alleviate some of hassles involved with disposing of those leaves in town by offering its leaf vacuum service.
Read below for more information about what to do with your leaves and everybody at Hometown Realty hopes you can enjoy the beautiful fall colors while they last!
Q. How do I stack my leaves for the vacuum?
A. Leaves should be raked onto the street, in the gutter line, and be piled up against the curb. It is important to keep leaves as close to the curb as possible. The city of Hutchinson recommends you rake leaves at your convenience and store them on the grass near the street. The evening before the vacuum comes, simply move the pile into the street up against the curb. Make sure to park cars in areas that do not block the leaf vacuum.
Q. You skipped the pile in front of my house, now what do I do?
A. Because of the length of daily routes, the leaf vacuum will not be coming back until the following week. The most likely reason your leaves were skipped was that cars were parked in the way. Another common reason is that there was debris other than leaves in the pile that could have caused damage to the leaf vacuum. Pull any debris out of the pile and rake the leaves back up onto the grass. The following week, rake the leaves back into the street up against the curb the evening before the leaf vacuum is scheduled.
Q. When do my leaves get vacuumed up?
A. Beginning in mid-October through the week before Thanksgiving, the leaf vacuum will pass by your house between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the day after your garbage is collected.
Q. What time of day will leaf vacuuming start?
A. The city of Hutchinson anticipate that leaf vacuums will typically operate between 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., but there may be times they could be operating as late as 5:00 p.m.