homeowner tips

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Cheap Summer DIY Home Projects

Now is the perfect time for these do-it-yourself maintenance projects that can potentially save you thousands of dollars and help make your home feel like new. Home maintenance is like housework, flossing and exercise: Work it into your routine, because the penalty for not doing it is worse than the job itself. For example, [...]

Cheap Summer DIY Home Projects2019-06-13T14:24:02-05:00

4 Things Smart Homeowners Do in May

The lazy days of summer officially kick off Memorial Day weekend. Giving your home a little extra love this month can save you time and money. 1. PURCHASE A NEW REFRIGERATOR - May is the best month to buy a new refrigerator. If yours is leaking, cooling less efficiently or just too limited [...]

4 Things Smart Homeowners Do in May2019-05-24T09:25:19-05:00
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