Hometown Realty in Hutchinson, MN brings you this week’s featured property. So many business options with this great country property. Located 2 miles north of Hutchinson on a tar road this 10.37-acre site includes 40×60 shed with 12′ sidewalls, large office area with 1 / 2 bath and 50×160 shed, both buildings in great condition, and include 6 overhead doors. Small house with 2 bedrooms and one bath. Move or expand your business here!

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Hometown Realty in Hutchinson, MN is the top choice for both buyers and sellers in the Hutchinson, MN real estate market. Whether you are considering buying or selling a home, contact the professional realtors at Hometown Realty for all of your real estate needs.

Hutchinson, MN Commercial Property For Sale | Business Real Estate For Sale – Hutchinson, MN